Sunday, August 15, 2010

Southbound from Alaska

A side trip to Valdez

We start the long trek southward but we still have a few  places in Alaska to visit - the first of these is the town of Valdez.  It is 115 miles south of the Glenn Highway which
is on our route out of Alaska. 

The scenery is spectacular - peaks ahead of us on the highway still capped with snow in early August, 

And the solid white peaks of 16,000 ft high dormant volcanoes.

and the absolutely magnificent views of Worthington Glacier and fabulous waterfalls  Cascading down from thousands of feet above, just before reaching the town of Valdez.

Valdez lies at the head of a fiord that runs out to Prince William Sound.  It is surrounded by towering glacier capped mountains.  Valdez is the terminus of the Alaskan pipeline that carries oil 1200 miles from the north slope oil fieds around Prudoe Bay.  Here huge oil tankers take the oil south to refineries for processing

We get the opportunity to watch sea otters playing in the cold waters of the fiord, and salmon trying to work thier way upstream

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