Monday, September 27, 2010

Zion's Monolithic Sandstone Formations

Zion National Park lies on the western edge of the Colorado Plateau.  Its primary characteristics are the giant Sandstone formations.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Bryce Canyon is towards the western edge of the Colorado Plateau.  It is actually not a canyon but rather an escarpment on the eastern side of the Paragaunset Plateau which rises to over 9000 ft.  It runs for over 30 miles providing many variations on the overall character of wind and water eroded spires in so many colors - pinks, reds, oranges, whites, tans etc.

The proliferation of shapes and sizes staggers the imagination

There are a number of overlooks that provide spectacular views out over the pillars, columns, arches that make up such a large percentage of the scenery.

This is called "Poodle Rock"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Canyonlands National Park

Canyonlands features another aspect of the uplifted Colorado Plateau - looking down into incredible canyons carved into the plateau by the Colorado and Green Rivers.

The vistas are jaw-dropping, pictures just cannot do justice to the magnificent visual spectacle

2000 feet below us the Colorado River cuts its way through the canyon it has carved over millions of years

The Green River (below)  in its much broader canyon, joins the Colorado River about 20 miles south of this overlook.

Let's not have any of those "step back just a little more"  jokes!

Arches National Park

Located in East central Utah, Arches is on the northern edge of the Colorado Plateau, a massive area of uplifted land streching across 4 states.  The predominant characteristic of this uplift is the exposed reddish-orange rock layers that make up so many of the areas features.  Of course, in Arches National Park, there are a large variety of arch formations

The Arches come in many forms, shapes and sizes, but most are pretty massive formations.

But Arches is much more than these famous structures, there are spectacular walls, spires, Balanced Rocks,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fabulous Yellowstone

When visiting Yellowstone it is difficult to know where to start - there is so much to experience!

Let's start with yellowstone falls and canyon. 

The lower falls drop about 380 ft into the lower canyon.  Our pictures do not do justice to the very "yellow" stone that lines the canyon and from which the park gets its name.  In places the canyon is over 1000 ft deep.

The upper falls, at about 190 ft are not quite as impressive as the lower fallsbut still truly inspiring.

And of course there are lesser waterfalls, but none the less beautiful and inspirational

Then there are the hot springs, in so many different shapes and forms.

This is part of  "Mammoth Hot Springs" an area of terraced hot pools that covers an enormous area, some of which is no longer active and are just empty chalk colored terraces.

And boiling mud pots

These features lie in thermally active basins, of which there are many in the park

And of course there are the geysers, and yes that is Sharon down in the corner.

And the one everyone comes to see -  good "Old Faithful"  over 100 ft every 90 minutes or so

Then, of course we also get to view a wide variety of wildlife.  There are many bison in the park, one of them walked right past our truck - you could almost smell his breath!  another held up traffic as he walked up the centerline of the road.

This coyote also came up on the road less than 15 feet from us and trotted down the road behind us - also a traffic stopper.  We saw 2 different groups of Coyotes.

Many elk can  be seen around the park